Dear CWBA Members,
Our CWBA theme for 2020 - 2021 is LEAD BEYOND. What does it mean to Lead Beyond? It means to Lead Beyond the current circumstances. Lead Beyond tradition, beyond your upbringing, and beyond limiting beliefs. Lead Beyond whatever it is that has been holding you back.
For the CWBA, it means to Lead Beyond the challenges of today with a vision that ensures that the CWBA remains strong and that our members stay informed, inspired, connected, and engaged.
One of the things I love about the CWBA is that we challenge each other to stretch, to go “beyond” what we think we are capable of. The CWBA is a place that you can come back to again and again throughout your career to reconnect, regroup, and re-energize.
As your new President, my promise to you is that the CWBA will continue to provide its members with three things that we’ve always been known for: connection, education, and support.
1. Connection. The CWBA has always been about connection, and we need each other now more than ever. I promise highly interactive and consistent communication with you, our valued members. You will be hearing from me a lot. My Board and I will continue to re-imagine creative ways to keep us all connected.
2. Education. The CWBA remains dedicated to providing cutting-edge professional education to help you continue to advance in your career. We will offer a variety of programs that are relevant to you and designed to meet you where you are, in both your personal and professional lives.
3. Support. The CWBA will continue to be a place of support. You will be supported throughout the year by me and this incredible Board. The CWBA will continue to encourage comradery with the networking opportunities that we have always been known for, including mentor and mentee opportunities.
While circumstances might dictate that we adjust some of our processes over the next year, our CWBA mission remains the same – to promote women in the legal profession and the interests of women generally.
Now let’s make it personal. Are you ready to personally take the LEAD BEYOND CHALLENGE? What do I mean by that? I mean, if you took inventory today of both your personal and professional lives, what would be the biggest and boldest change or decision you could make during this year that would energize you to Lead Beyond?
With the CWBA, you will always have a place of trust where you are encouraged to stretch yourself, take on challenges that scare you a little, or a lot, and revel in your new-found confidence when you come out on the other side bigger, better, and bolder.
There is a well-known proverb that states: “May you live in interesting times.” My wish for each of you is not only that you live in interesting times, but that you lead in interesting times, and not just lead, but LEAD BEYOND.
Miranda Hawkins
2020 - 2021 CWBA President

Miranda K. Hawkins is the President of the CWBA and is a partner at Goddard Hawkins, where she provides practical legal advice and counseling to families and individuals in the areas of estate planning, trust and estate administration, probate, and estate and gift tax planning.