Tales from the Trenches: It’s Time To Do Something About Fertility Care Access In Colorado
I’ve had the great honor of building a niche legal practice in Colorado. That niche is in the field of “assisted reproductive technology...
Tales from the Trenches: It’s Time To Do Something About Fertility Care Access In Colorado
Tales from the Trenches: Sexual Harassment, Trusting Your Gut and #NotNice.
Tales from the Trenches: Why Men Should Join the Women's Bar - a Man's Perspective.
A Win for Colorado Lawyers Working to Eliminate Sexual Harrassment in the Workplace
On Gaslighting and How to Spot It
Tales from the Trenches: Obstacles to Developing Business and Getting Ahead
Tales from the Trenches: Celebrating Diversity
Tales from the Trenches: Reshaping Female-Focused Events
The Reemergence of Diversity Fatigue: What Does It Mean Today & How Do We Combat It
Closing the Gender Wage Gap in Colorado
The #MeToo Movement, Sexual Harrassment, and the Legal Profession